Ongoing: Academy of Rhythmorphology and Pavilion
09.11-23.11.24: Networks of Circatidal Earth Bodies at Air Contitions, Skaftfjell, Iceland

30.11.2024: Networks of Circatidal Earth Bodies, a live sound essay (in Norwegian) at Tidevatnet lagar bølgjer i fjell og lukta av furu kan skapa regn, Tegnerforbundet, Oslo


11.10.-22.12.2024: Exhibition Tidevatnet lagar bølgjer i fjell og lukta av furu kan skapa regn, Tegnerforbundet, Oslo

21.09.2024: Networks of Circatidal Earth Bodies, a live sound essay at Nitja/ Ultima

Nabeeh Samaan
29.08-01.09.24: Pavilion: Launch of Våtmarksbiblioteket (The Wetland Library) with Randi Nygård´s work and a celebration of our new field book. Don´t miss the public event Septemper 1st!

Sign up for newsletter:
24.08 – 06.10.24: Particular Universal at Nitja
22.-26.04.24: Concrete Dreams of Sound, DAAD Gallery, Berlin
30.09.23: Eigenfrequency at ARm #2- a reading and listening session with Lidén and Methi. Photos: Michael Miller
29.09-30.09.23: Academy of Rhythmorphology #2 at Oslo Fjordskole
We welcome you to two days of experiments, workshops and presentations – from the tidal zone to the eigenfrequency of bedrock, from purification rituals outside the sewage treatment plant to all-encompassing quantum physics, and from the rawness of human voices to conversations with an old oak tree.
With contributions by Marte Aas (artist and filmmaker) and Anders Kvellestad (physicist), Margrethe Pettersen (artist) and Robel Temesgen (artist), Torgeir Vassvik (musician), Izabela Żółcińska (artist) and Simon Hasselø Kline (marine biologist), Sakib Saboor (photographer), and the Academy of Rhythmorphology initiators, Arjen Mulder (writer), Hilde Methi (curator), and Signe Lidén (artist).
25.02.23-12.03.23: Particular Universal residency at Castro Marim, Portugal. The residency project is a collaboration with Ny Musikk.

Pavilion Wetland, Østensjøvannet 13.-15. October 2022

Jiska Huizing has made a really great and informative tutorial on microphones on Nuts and Bolts . I am featuring Tutorial 3 on “experimental microphones”.

13.10-15.10.2022: Pavilion: Wetland, public manifestations
More info coming soon here:

10.07-17.07.2022: Academy for Rhythmorphology (ARm) # 1 at Slettnes Lighthouse.
Info here:
31.05.2022: The Wetland Walkinar
We start at 17:00, meeting up at the Østensjøvannet playground, which lies close to the Østensjøvannet’s parking lot. From there we will walk to a bird observation platform where Merve Tabur will fabulate around the long-time aspects of the wetland. Afterwards, artist Randi Nygård will guide us on a peat-smell-session, before we walk up to the Bogerud stream where we meet limnologist Joanna Lynn Kemp. The walk continues over the Bogerud swamp to a stone formation close to Bakkehavn, where shaman and writer Eirik Myrhaug will share his knowledge about ‘sieidditt’. At Bakkehavn we will listen to a recorded conversation between field philosopher Thom van Dooren and Randi Nygård. Based on sharing stories about encounters with birds and trees, the conversation explores how different forms of life express meaning. We conclude the walkinar at Bakkehavn, where we will serve a taste of edible plants from the wetland area.
01.05.2022: Taking part in the REVEIL´´´ 24 broadcast at the International Dawn Chorus Day organized by Soundcamp. Again this year, Espen Sommer Eide and I are streaming live from Østensjøvannet in Oslo between 4 – 5 am. Jiska Huizing streamed from Nøklevann, Yngvild Færøy from Valls Arboretum, Joakim Blattman from Holtesdalen nature reserve, Gabriela de Seta streamed from Nordnes, Bergen.

24.04.2022: Finnissage for KOMPASS and Symposium at Trafo Kunsthall with Ellen Røed, Rune Søchting and Harald Fetvedt

New release!
20.03.2022: Finnissage at ØKS with excursion to ØRA wetlands area and industries together with Bjørn Frostad and Michelle Geraerts at 13.00-15-30

12.03-20.04.2022: KOMPASS at Trafo Kunsthall, Asker

25.02-27.02.2022: The Tidal Sense at Currents of breath, Radialsysteme, Berlin

22.01.-20.03.2022: VANNBÅREN: Exhibition at ØKS, Frederikstad


Open call: Academy for Rhythmorphology (ARm) # 1
[DEADLINE: 10 January 2022]
More info and link to application form:
Academy of Rhythmorphology Docu Wiki
19.11-20.11.2021: The Only Lasting Truth is Change

12.11.2021: As if Radio during COP 26 in Glasgow at Acoustic Commons:
Signe Lidén: Petroleum Prospects
Conversations between anthropologist and theatre maker Ragnhild Freng Dale, sociologist Marie Lindberg and artist Signe Lidén about the Norwegian petroleum industry, the climate lawsuit and future narratives in an oil and gas infused country. All sounds are field recordings and compositions by Signe Lidén and Vertical Studies, her collaboration with Espen Sommer Eide.
14.10.2021: Presentation of Omkrets at BEK:

04.10-08.10.2021: Recording at Mandø with Ellen Røed and Rune Søchting. This was the last field trip for Magnetic Fielding (working title) before the upcoming exhibition at TRAFO Kunsthall in Asker opening March 12th 2022.

14.04.2021: We made a Vertical Studies broadcast for Rummur Radio:


Vertical Studies-contribution in over borders curated by Pheobe riley Law and Jez riley French for Walking Festival of Sounds 5-25 April 2021. Free download here:
“This publication began as an idea to share some of our scores* connected to the concept or effects of borders, which we then expanded to include work by others in our creative communities. Artists / composers were asked to send scores (photographic scores, text scores, graphic scores) that, in some way, referenced border; social, political, virtual, perceptual, environmental or between species. Our thanks to all those who responded with their work.”

The past few months I´ve been busy with making The Tidal Sense radio program together with the fantastic producer Chris Elcombe at Reduced Listening for BBC radio 3. It will be broadcast Sunday March 7th at 18.45 UK time and availible online after broadcast.

To listen: The Tidal Sense radio program
The program is a continuation of the my work The Tidal Sense, where I studied the rhythms of the tidal zone and it´s echoes into languages and ways of understanding the intrinsic connections between life, water, climate crisis and futures. I am so grateful for the continuation of the conversations with biologist, media theorist and writer Arjen Mulder and professor in literature and teacher of indigenous science Grace Dillon, both highly influential for the development of the project, and the wonderful contributions of poet and filmmaker Roseanne Watt, historian and kayaker David Gange and neurobiologist Michael Hastings. The program features music by Clarice Jensen, Eve Risser, Kirk Barley, Ondness,
Phonophani and Time Is A Blind Guide. (Photo by Ellen Røed during the Sjølinjen Tidslinjen field trip at Mandø)
Text contribution in “If you scream at a bird” in CAS:
Throughout 2020, CAS has pursued a thematic research focus centered around sound, sound art, and experimental music. In the below text, Peter Meanwell and Maria Rusinovskaya create a container for discussions about sound (and silence) in the creative practices of the four artists, Maia Urstad, Elina Waage Mikalsen, Signe Lidén, and Jana Winderen — all living and working in Norway. The text can be read here.
15.10.2020 – 18.10.2020: From the performance The Broken Promise:

21.09.2020: Book launch: The Kelp Congress/Tangboka at Atelier Nord:

Nice interview with Hilde Methi in Art Scene Trondheim:

Tangboka, The Kelp Congress, such great books! Edited by Neil Cahoon, Hilde Methi and Annette Wolfsberger as a part of LIAF 2019, published by NNKS.
Arjen Mulder and I have a text contribution there, where we dream up a course in a dialogue that we now turn into reality:)

15.10.2020 – 18.10.2020: The Broken Promise, Tanzfabrik, Berlin, a performance with Miriam Jakob, Zeina Hanna, Maija Karhunen, Felix Claßen, Charlotte Pistorius, Annegret Schalke and Signe Lidén
(pic below from the process)

23.06.2020: Feature about my work in Sculpture written by
15.06 – 19.06.2020: Image as Site– fieldtrip with Ellen Røed! Fantastic days and recordings, despite nocturnal company of clouds of mosquitoes…

03.05.2020: Reveil! Open mic at the sunrise on International Dawn Chorus Day, organized by Soundtent in collaboration with Locus Sonus. Espen Sommer Eide and I streamed from Østensjøvannet, Oslo

24.04.2020: The Tidal Sense podcast on Forms of Flexibility, a project by Marte Eknæs

06.02.2020-08.02.2020: Circatidal Trails, Inversia, Murmansk
More photos: INVERSIA

Circatidal Trails, field trip with Hilde Methi

28.11.2019: Spatial Media Lab at de Player
20.11.2019: Presenting The Tidal Sense at at Stockholm University of the Arts as a part of Image as Site with Ellen Røed
29.10-01.11.2019: working on the research project Image as Site with Ellen Røed
03.10-05.10.2019: Workshop: Radical Land Preservation Pavilion
with Andrea Bakketun, Espen Sommer Eide, Geir Tore Holm, Søssa Jørgensen, Signe Lidén, Marie Nervold, Øyvind Novak, Randi Nygård and Karoline Sætre.

Photo abow, from the public event 05.10.2019, Nøklevann, Østensjø.
08.09.2019: Thinking Tide, Sensing Scale: the seminar emerges from an interest in time, long-term thinking, the tidal processes that surround Lofoten, and the wider spectrum of (natural) phenomena and forces that affect the planet. Sensing scale implies an exploration of both the objects of study, but also of the ‘apparatuses’ themselves and notions of measurement – here we see a more ontological approach to the artist’s medium and material, and an opening of coincidental occurrences.
With: Arjen Mulder, Grace Dillon, Greg Fox and Signe Lidén at LIAF 2019

Click here for full program.
30.08-29.09.2019: The Tidal Sense, a commission for Lofoten International Art Festival, Svolvær. More about my work here:

01.03.2019-01.06.2019: The Tidal Sense, Residency and work, Ramberg, Lofoten, for LIAF 2019.

07.12.2018: Traveling sounds, The Barn Studio, St, John´s College. Organized by Victor Lisinski.
Wave Forms and Tunnel Visions: Robert Signe Lidén will perform Wave Forms and Tunnel Visions: Robert. The work deals with lost voices and reconstruction of memory and is based on field recordings and interviews exploring the subterranean of Cagliari, Sardinia. Signe Lidén’s work investigates relations between place, sound and history. Her installations and performances range from sound installations, sculpture, video and performance, to documentary forms such as sound essays and archives.
Stereophonica: Sound and Space after 1850 Professor Gascia Ouzounian from the Faculty of Music will read an excerpt of her forthcoming book Stereophonica: Sound and Space after 1850 (The MIT Press) in which she discusses Signe Lidén’s work, trying concepts of space developed in Lidén’s Wave Forms and Tunnel Visions to ideas of sound and space that extend as far back as the writings of Aristotle.
Sea and land In 2013, Victor Lisinski traveled one lap around the world without flying, collecting sounds on his way. The piece Sea and land is based on field recordings from container ships, rain forests, cities and other places from this journey. It explores our surroundings, not as a documentary of how the world sounds, but rather how it can sound filtered through one composer. Victor Lisinski is a composer and musician from Sweden, mainly working with electroacoustic music and instrumental chamber music. In his work, he is interested in concepts of spatiality and duration.
01.12.2018: The Field Modulation Sessions– exhibition with students Jasmine Chilton, Kirsty Fabiyi, Jasmin Irscheid, Matthew Ward and performance in the Auditorium of St. John´s College, Oxford.
29.11.2018: In conversation with wonderful sound artist, writer and scholar Gascia Ouzounian at The Art of Noises.
29.11.2018: The Field Modulation Sessions, workshop-presentation/exhibition with students Jasmine Chilton, Kirsty Fabiyi, Jasmin Irscheid, Matthew Ward at The Art of Noises, Modern Art Oxford in collaboration with EMPRES Collective.
01.10.2018-07.12.2018:: Field Modulations Sound Art Residency and Exhibition St. Johns College at Oxford University

12.19.2018: Presentation at St. John´s College

15.09.2018-18.11.2018:: Contributing to Monoskop´s Exhibition Library at Seoul Mediacity Biennale 2018: Eu Zen, Seoul Museum of Art

20.06.2018-31.07.2018:: Drive In Lydkunst at Nordens Hus, Reykjavík. Many thanks to Tulle Ruth and

I will be participating with a new sound essay for the series Wave Forms and Tunnel Visions.

21.03.2018: krysning/пересечение/conflux at Dark Ecology Project at SALT, Oslo

24.02.2018: Presentation at Sonic Acts Academy
20.08.2017-26.08.2017: Sjølinjen Tidslinjen research trip with Rune Søchting, Ellen Røed, Espen Sommer Eide and Cecilia Jonsson to Mandø, Denmark
15.07.2017-01.02.2018: ELAPSES at SALT, Oslo in The Arctic Pyramid 23.00-11.00 and in Ardna Sundays 11-15.
03.07.2017-11.07.2017: IL SUONO IN MOSTRA, UDINE, ITALY:

Daniela Cascella has wrote a wonderful text on my work SKALA, in Volt´s impressive publication The Imaginary Reader:
11.03.2017: Vertical Studies: Acoustic shadows and boundary reflections, a collaboration with Espen Sommer Eide, commissioned by Sonic Acts, at Borealis Festival, Bergen
26.02.2017: Vertical Studies: Acoustic shadows and boundary reflections, a collaboration with Espen Sommer Eide, commissioned by Sonic Acts, Sonic Acts Festival, Amsterdam
28.10.16:krysning/пересечение/conflux at Vincent on Friday with Sonic Acts, Van Gogh Museum, Amsterdam
07.06.16-12.06.16: Vertical studies: Altitude and History, a collaboration with Espen Sommer Eide on Dark Ecology Journey III, Nikel, Russia
Altitude and History from Espen Sommer Eide on Vimeo.
04.06.16-11.09.16: Contribution for Land Art Rebuild, a sound drive-in, Rold forest, Denmark
09.03.16-13.03.16: My audio piece Puddefjorden at Borealis Radio Space.
02.03.16: My audio piece Puddefjorden for Borealis Radio Space will be played at the experimental music program Egg at Studentradioen i Bergen after 9 pm.
14.01.16 – 03.02.16 Evigaturen at: BPLTC III: FOOD CONTROL at Eastern Block, Montreal, Canada
02.12.15 Performance at: Where Were We: a festival on intimacy, writing, body, Århus
05.10.15-26.10.15: Residency in Cagliari, Sardinia, the sonic subterranean, during Capitale Italiana Della Cultura above: the roman cave and cistern in Cagliari Botanical garden under: listening audience during the performance, photo: Stefania Scano
25.09.15: Concert at Nordiske Musikdage, Copenhagen
06.09.15-12.09.15: Research trip to Nikel, Russia, for Dark Ecology Journey 3 with Espen Sommer Eide recording and testing of prototypes History sound club at Nikel Optimist Club
14.06.15: Performance at Juniutstillingen at Kunstnerforbundet, curated by Benedicte Clementsen and Johanne Hestvold
05.06.15-18.06.15: Installation for VOLT, Bergen, more info:
04.06.15: Performance at Daniela Cascella´s booklaunch of F.M.R.L in Bergen
01.05.15: Menneskeberget, Munch’s atelier på Ekely, kuratert av Christian Tony Norum, Oslo
from times to times: at FOUNDSOUNDSCAPE
10.03.15-20.02.15: PAPAY GYRO NIGHTS HONG KONG at Videotage / SENS99! I will show my work krysning/пересечение/conflux and do a sound performance in collaboration with poet and writer TANG SIU-WA
02.02.15-10.02.15: krysning/пересечение/conflux and Fathom with Benedicte Clementsen at Papay Gyro Nights, Orkney Island (above: fathom, Clementsen and Lidén, Papay Gyro Nights)
20.11.14: LYDHØRT III: Writing Sound 2, a project by Daniela Cascella at Lydgalleriet. Opening performance: 18:30-19:30. Sculpture 5 by David Toop and Rie Nakaijma
With David Toop and Rie Nakajima, D. Cascella and Signe Lidén, Elin Øyen Vister, John Hegre.
25.10 – 21.12.14: Game of Life II, Kristiansand Kunsthall
09.10 – 12.10.14: Dark Ecology, Norway/Russia
05.09 – 07.09.14: alt_cph, Copenhagen
07.06 – 29.06.14: Her jobber Skog og Hegre, Lydgalleriet, Bergen
14.06.14: Frihet, Isolasjon, Samspill: release concert of RAD#2
30.05.14- 24.08.14: Writings at Skaņu Mežs: SKAN Sound Art Exhibition, Riga Writings in boxes in the Botanical Garden in Riga
MAY 14: Article in the Wire…
15.05.14: Frihetens Forpost, a performance by Signe Lidén as a part of: The Structure and Properties of Matter
06.02.14-09.03.14: Past Tracks at Cold Current, Reggio Emilia, Italy
06.12.13-10.01.14: Cecilia Johnsson and Signe Lidén exhibiting at Lydgalleriet, Bergen Opening Thursday December 5th at 19.00 with introduction by James Jackson Griffith Seminar Saturday December 7th at 12.00-18.00 in collaboration with B-Open (in English)
– 20.11.13: performance with Jørgen Træen, curated by Ny Musikk and Kunsthall Oslo
16.11.13-25.11.13: writings at Audio Art Festival in Krakow, Poland
18.10.13: opening of the installation alltid at Kunsthall Oslo
13.09.13-24.11.13: This Must Be The Place (pick me up and turn me round), group exhibition for Re:place with artists: Andreas Bunte / Bull.Miletic / Anne Marthe Dyvi / Signe Lidén / Trond Lossius / Morten Eide Pedersen / Ellen Røed / Jeremy Welsh, Sandnes, Norway
13.09.13-29.09.13: The installation writings will be shown in Maastricht hosted by Resonance-partner In-Situ. Photos from the installation build-up:
21.06.13-04.08.13: Nor13 at Akershus Kunstsenter, Lillestrøm with Atle S. Nielsen, Christian Blom, Signe Lidén, Jana Winderen, Tore Honoré Bøe, Cecilia Jonsson og Kristoffer Myskja.Curated by Jørgen Larsson with co-curater by Tor Arne Samulesen photos from my installation ettermælet (sound and more images comes soon!):
13.06.13-11.08.13: /kəˈlīdər/, at Parabol at 3.14, curated by Lydgalleriet, Bergen The audiowork is based on a research trip to Cern to dig into the archives after traces of Odd Dahl, together with Ellern Røed as a part of Replace. /kəˈlīdər/ is a work made in context of Ellen Røed´s exhibition Skyvelære where two of our collaborative works are being shown.
21.04.13-05.05.13: writings, my work for the Resonance will be shown in Flanders Festival Kortrijk After 3 weeks of a residency in Kortrijk, the work writings took form as the spring arrived the small town. The realisation of the work was made in collaboration with Roar Sletteland. Interview made by Harold Schellinx can be read here.
06.03.13: 5 pm: Performance in Espen Sommer Eide´s Dead Language Poetry at Bergen Kunsthall under Borealis:
21.02.13-28.02.13: Flatlandian holes, installation at Papa Gyros Nights, Orkney Islands
01.12.12: Alog+Lidén/Haco/nils Økland/Helge Sten, Bergen Kjøtt, Bergen
29.11.12: Haco (JP) and Alog+Lidén, Stedet, Brugata kl 21, Oslo
16.11.12-25.11.12: The Cold Coast Archive at Rom 8, Bergen
31.09.12-02.10.12: Ephemeral Sustainability at Østre, Bergen
27.09.12: Interview in We Make Money Not Art
06.09.12-09.09.12 : LAK Festival for Nordisk Lydkunst, København
28.08.12-01.09.12: OPEN SOUND at Cosmo in Bergen!
July: New A quiet position release curated by Jez Riley French: Impulsive Habitat
10.07.12: Stazione di Topolo A fantastic festival in Northern Italy on the border to Slovenia. The photo below is taken under a thunderstorm in a night in Topolove.
30.06.12- 08.07.12: FARM Interferenze New Arts Festival
19.06.12: Launching of SOUNDWORKS, Institute of Contemporary Art, London – –
May 2012: The Cold Coast Archive exhibition av Center for PostNatural History, Pittsburgh – –
May 2012: Launching of The Cold Coast Archive online exhibition, a joint project with Annesofie Norn and Steven Rowell concerning The Global Seed Vault on Svalbard – –
27.04.12: Soundings 2, NSA Graduation Show, Museet for Samtidskunst, Roskilde – –
20.04.12: KHIB graduation show at Bergen Kunsthall, Bergen – –
24.03.12: “ToBe Continued…” un-interrupted 24 hour sonic marathon in the occation of the World Tuberculosis Day,organized and streamed online by: – –
22.02.12: “Long Short” introduction of the “The Cold Coast Archive” at The Long Now Fundation´s Seminar: “Heirlooms:Saving Humanity´s 10.000-year Legacy of Food”, Cowell Theatre in Fort Mason Center, San Francisco
18.01.12-19.01.12: The Invisible Seminar, exhibition and seminar at KHIB, Bergen – –
20.11.11: At 20.11 pm for 20 min 11 sec, will Jørgen Træen, Elin Vister and Signe Lidén perform on trash and treasure at Knøderen during the Piksel Festival, Bergen – –
11.11.11: Alog will release the new album “Unemplyed” on Rune Grammofon where I do a little, funny contribution on the LP version. – –
30.10.11: Contributing on “A Quiet Position- edition two” – –
21.08.11-26.09.11: Field trip for The Cold Coast Archive, a research and extrapolative project concerning the Global Seed Vault based on fieldwork and interventions in collaboration with artist Annesofie Norn and Steve Rowell, Svalbard
– –
05.08.11-20.08.11: Preparation for The Svalbard Archive: Construction of the Evigatur together with Roar Sletteland
The Evigatur gets shipped on board on Johan Hjort, the boat of the Institute for Marine Research sailing up north and will arrive Longyearbyen, Svalbard the 13th of September
– –
08.08.11: Load (Abandoned) at Touch Radio Reviews: the field reporter (August 18, 2011) disquiet – –
04.08.11: Interview in Jez Riley French´s “in place” – –
July: Concert with Per Platou at Statione di Topolo , Italy – –
11.06.11: Rad #2 tala ur minnetDe inviteres herved til neste utgave av BEKs presentasjonsserie Rad. Lørdag 11. juni åpner komponist Knut Vaage for første gang sin komponisthytte på gården Våge i Sunde i Kvinnherad, og inviterer til en kveld for utforskning av frihet, samspill og isolasjon. Medvirkende er Knut Vaage, Trine Hylander Friis, Signe Lidén og Alog ved Espen Sommer Eide, Dag-Are Haugan og Sigbjørn Apeland. Anne Marthe Dyvi leser Rangnvald Vaage. Ta med sovepose og private effekter. Felles måltider i regi av BEK. Arrangementet starter ved lunsj ca kl 14. Påmelding (svar utbedes) og andre spørsmål: annemarthesin(at) – –
26.05.11-16.06.11: Rainforest IV, Singuhr Hörgalerie, Berlin Performance: 26.06.11 at 7 pm Recording from the installation:
Nordic Sound Art will do a realization of David Tudor´s Rainforest lead by Matt Rogalsky and curated by Carsten Seifarth More info: – –
08.05.11: Wet Sounds at “Touch me”, Spor Festival 2011, Århus
Mer info: – – – 15.04.11-04.05.11: Floating in Shanghai, Shanghai Sonic diving exercises into Shanghai´s fast growing cityscape. Floating Shanghai will be shown at Spor Festival – –
29.04.11-08.05.11: 17 M.O.H. Bergen
to move amongst them/ small bodily forest in this place/ cultivating/ hunting/ grasping seventeen meters over the sea when body/ object/ word/ sound/ image moves/ a short symbiotic time space seventeen meters over the sea

17 M.O.H. Fredag 29. april kl. 18:00 på Bergen Kjøtt Åpning /opening 29.04. kl.18:00 Åpent /open 30.04-08.05 kl.15:00-18:00 Tolga Balci Solveig Bergene Tonje Bøe Birkeland Jason Dunne Trine Hylander Friis Guro Gomo Live Haug Hilton Håkon Holm Olsen Rachel Elice Huglen Cecilia Jonsson Signe Lidén Ingeborg Annie Lindahl Gro Navelsaker Hilde Skevik Jane Sverdrupsen Kenichi Tashiro Janna Thöle-Juul Mirjam Thomassen Lara Varga Wong Men Hoi Apichaya Wanthiang Mer informasjon: Billetter: Gratis inngang! Skutevikstorget 1, 5035 Bergen – –
04.04.11: NSA: Hitra workshop presentations, Kunstarken, Trondheim “Field recording and site-specific sound”
a two week workshop at the Island of Hitra, Norway Instructors: Jana Winderen, sound artist, Oslo Carsten Seiffarth, curator Singuhr Hörgalerie, Berlin Per Platou, sound artist and independent curator, Oslo Asbjørn Tiller, associate professor HF, NTNU Ivar Smedstad, artist and associate professor KIT, NTNU More info: – – – 03.03.11-04.03.11: Right About Now, Symposium at Rom 8, Bergen – A symposium for discussing observation, datamining and the production of presence as artistic strategies. Thursday 3. of march: Presentations by invited guests. 10.00 Introduction by Ellen Røed 10.15 Isabelle Jenniches: A young lady’s illustrated primer to webcams. 11.15 Patrik Entian: Close but far away. Landscape painting and webcameras. 12.15 Jeremy Welsh: The Accidental Collector, 2008 – 2010. 13.15 Lunch at the Art academy (not included) 14.30 Suzanne Jaschko: Process as Paradigm? 15.30 Michelle Teran: Future Guides for Cities 16.30 End Friday 4th of march: Open lab Presentations of projects and material made by students during the workshopConstructing Time: applied data mining. Follow-up discussions and concluding remarks. With Dana Machajova, Cecilia Jonsson, Carolina Sandell, Ahmet Tolga Balci, Signe Lidén, Wenhai Wang, Ingrid , Ole Messel, Johanne Hestvold, Patrik Entian, Isabelle Jenniches, Ellen Røed and Suzanne Jaschko. In ROM8 from 12 – 18. – – – 21.02.11-02.03.11: Constructing Time: applied data mining, Bergen – –
18.11.10 – 21.11.10: Angular Momentum, Piksel Festival, Bergen
Installation in collaboration with Michal Kindernay – –
11.11.10: Nordic Sound Art: Project Noise, Landmark, Bergen Kunsthall 19.00 at Landmark – –
17.10.10: PIKSEL PLENUM, Bergen Kunsthall Conversations about Regnskog, the realisation of David Tudor´s Rainforest 20.00 at Landmark
– – – 16.10.10 – 17.10.10: Regnskog, PIKSEL, Bergen Kjøtt, Bergen
Friday: 18.00 – 23.oo Performance: 20.00-23.00 Saturday: 14.00 – 23.00 Performance: 14.00 and 20.00
– –
13.10.10 – 17.10.10: Perm-it, Russia Rohrism I and Rohrism II will be shown at Festival Perm-it in Perm – – – 17.10.10: Article Biennale, Stavanger Presentation of The Svalbard Archive (in collaboration with Steven Rowell and Annesofie Norn) – – – SoundLab 2010: soundCELEBRATION, launched here the 2. of September: – – – 10.06.10 – 13.06.10: SAY CHEESE GOES CHDK Eyes on, creative workshop & hacked cameras’ meeting| with Kubo Ludma June 10 – 13, 2010, 1PM – 7PM June 13, 2010, from 7PM – X-position @WEST GERMANY, Skalitzer 133, 10999 Berlin/Kreuzberg – –
25.05.10 – 02.06.10: One week of fieldrecording, assisting Alan Boans, Berlin+ The hydrophones and contactmicrophones used for the recordings are handmade by Alan Boans, and I can highly recommend them! ( He is to be contacted at: alan.boans(at)
– – 17.03.10 – 20.03.10: Are you conductive? -hands on, creative workshop & interactive installation with Stefanie Wuschotz, Munich 20.03.10: Public presentation 7 – 9 pm at Werkstatt Brienner 48 live streamed (2 -4 pm) on:
(my vegi-potentionalmeters controlling sound pitch and volume…) – –
06.03.10: Garage66, Uferstrasse 8, Wedding, Berlin – –
24.02.10: Odanata Feeds Drones, concert in La Societé de Curiosités, Paris organized by PNEK
– –
10.02.10: Sound performance with Olli Holland+ at the opening of the exhibition “Von Angesicht Zu Angesicht” of Dagmar Fella, Gaswerk at 7.30 pm, Weimar Videoinstallation of Dagmar Fella, Olli Holland and Signe Lidén in the back. – –
16.12.09: Concert in Gasometer Schöneberg, 9 pm, Berlin gasgig – –
25.11.09: Sound performance with Oliver Holland, München 25.11.09-29.11.09: exhibition: blowup, München *blowup* durch die strassen meiner gaststadt erleuchte ich mit meinem alien-kostüm den weg. ich komme näher, ich zoome ein und halte an. verlangsame und beschleunige. ich komme rein. kaboom! bettina diel, guro hauge nord, olga wiedenhöft und signe lidén zeigen malerei, skulptur, installation und klangarbeit 25.- 29. november im gartenhaus der Kunst. *eröffnung* mittwoch 25. nov um 19 uhr *um 20 uhr:* die premiere der soundperformance ECHO von signe lidén und oliver holland. live erzeugte klänge aus stimme, geige, elektronik und perkussion werden auf eine reise geschickt.