Vertical Studies broadcast for Rummur Radio. (In Norwegian):
The Tidal Sense, 2021 at BBC 4. With contributions from biologist and writer Arjen Mulder, neurobiologist Michael Hastings, Shetland poet Roseanne Watt, historian and kayaker David Gange, and Grace Dillon, a member of the Anishinaabe and professor in indigenous nations studies. Produced by Chris Elcome at Reduced Listening. More about The Tidal Sense project here.
The Tidal Sense sound essay, 2019, with Grace Dillon, Arjen Mulder, Geir Olve Skeie and Signe Lidén. Produced by Peter Meanwel
Puddefjorden, 2015
Recordings with a contact-mic based hydrophone in the Puddefjord-side by Damsgårdsveien 79. An account by a fjord-bottom-listener.
I met Gunnar under the Puddefjord bridge, listening to the fjord-bottom through a tin-can on a line with a weight. I asked why and he said that a diver had told him that the bottom was sealed by cement to push the old industrial contamination earthwards. He had asked around but nobody had heard about it, so he thought acoustics might gossip. I told him I owned a hydrophone, so we met a week later and listened and talked.
Many thanks to Hilde and Gunnar
Elapses, stereo mix:
Coupled Pendulum, 2012:
Boreal, 2011:
Floating Shanghai, 2011:
Hitra, 2011:
Load (Abandoned), 2011:
Rohrism, 2009: