2022 ongoing • Paviljong: Våtmark, group project, seminars and exhibitions, Oslo, NO
2022 ongoing • Academy of Rhythmorphology with Arjen Mulder and Hilde Methi, workshop I, Slettnes Fyr, Sapmi
2022 • Kompass, exhibition with Ellen Røed, TRAFO Kunsthall, Asker, NO
2022 Vannbåren, exhibition at Østfold Kunstnersenter (ØKS), NO
2021 • Omkrets, Field Mode III, at The Only Lasting Truth is Change, BEK, Bergen, NO
2021• Vertical Studies, broadcast for Rummur Radio, Bergen
2021•  The Tidal Sense, radio program at Reduced Listening for BBC radio 3
2020 • The Broken Promise, collaboration with Miriam Jakob, Tanzfabrik Berlin, DE
2020 • Circatidal, Inversia, Murmansk, RU
2019 • The Field Mode, Spatial Media Laboratories, Rotterdam, NL
2019 -2022 • Image as Site, collaboration with Ellen Røed, Uniarts, SE
2019 • The Cold Coast Archive, Estetiques Biopolitiques, L´Atelier, Nantes, FR
2019 – (ongoing) • DOKK: Radical Land Preservation Pavilion, workshop, project, Oslo, NO
2019 • The Tidal Sense, residency and exhibition Lofoten International Art Festival (2019), NO
2018 • Field Modulations, exhibition, performance and residency at St. Johns College, Oxford University, GB
2018 • The Field Modulation, The Art of Noises, performance, installation, Oxford Modern Art, GB
2018 • Weather reports back, contribution to´s Exhibition Library, MediaCity Biennial, Seoul, KR
2018 • krysning/пересечение/conflux , Dark Ecology at SALT, Oslo, NO
2017 • Elapses, SALT, Oslo, NO
2017 • TINES, Sono In Mostra Udine, IT
2017 • Vertical Studies: Acoustic Shadows and Boundary Reflections, with Espen Sommer Eide, at Borealis Festival, Bergen, NO
2017 • Vertical Studies: Acoustic Shadows and Boundary Reflections, with Espen Sommer Eide, commissioned work for Sonic Acts Festival, Sint
Jansklooster, NL
2016 • Vertical Studies: History and Altitude, with Espen Sommer Eide, commissioned work for the Dark Ecology Projects, Nikel, RU
2016 • Evigaturen, Bio Politics, Eastern Block, Montreal, CA
2015 • Wave Forms and Tunnel Visions II, performance at Where Were We, Århus, DE
2015 • Wave Forms and Tunnel Visions I, I sotterranei del suono, Palazzo di Città, Cagliari, IT
2015 • SKALA, VOLT, Bergen, NO
2015 • Menneskeberget, Ekely, Oslo, NO
2015 • krysning/пересечение/conflux and beyond, Papay Gyro Nights, Orkney Island and Hong Kong2015 • Malmklang, performance at Nordic Music Days, Copenhagen, DE
2015 • Juniutstillingen 2015, performance under gruppeutstilling, Kunstnerforbundet, Oslo, NO
2015 • Performance at the book launch of F:M:R:L by Daniela Cascella, Lydgalleriet, Bergen, NO
2014 • Sculpture II, with David Toop, Rie Nikejama, Daniela Cascella, Elin Vister Øyen, John Hegre, Lydgalleriet, Bergen, NO
2014 • Frihetens Forpost, performance for The Structure and Properties of Matter, Hordaland Kunstsenter, Bergen, NO
2014 • krysning/пересечение/conflux, screening, Automn Nights, Kalfarlien 18, Bergen, NO
2014 • interference, Game of Life: Knust i offentlig rom, group exhibition, Kristiansand Kunsthall, NO
2014 • krysning/пересечение/conflux, at Dark Ecology (Sonic Acts/Hilde Methi), Kirkenes/Nikel/Zapolyarny, NO/RU
2014 • Writings II, SKAN II in collaboration with Resonance, European Sound Art Network, Riga, LT
2014 • past tracs, Cold Current, group exhibition, Reggio Emilia, IT2013 • stigespill, performance with Jørgen Træen, NY MUSIKK, Kunsthall Oslo, NO
2012 • A quiet position: Locale , curated by Jez relay French (release)
2012 • A quiet position:edition two, a below the radar-edition for The Wire, curated by Jez relay French (release)
2012 • The Cold Coast Archive, Rom 8 with Steve Rowell and Annesofie Norn, Bergen, NO
2012 • LAK- festival for nordisk lydkunst, Copenhagen, DK
2012 • Stazione di Topolo, film screening of Coald Coast Archive material, Italy, IT
2012 • Interference New Arts festival, Artist in Residency, Italy, IT
2012 • Soundworks, Institute of Contemporary Art (ICA), London, GB
2012 • The Cold Coast Archive, Museum of PostNatural History, Pittsburgh, USA
2012 • Soundings, Nordic Sound Art Graduation Show, Roskide Museum of Contemporary Art, DK
2012 • A Ride full of Traps, KHIB MA graduation show, Bergen Kunsthall, NO
2012 • The Cold Coast Archive, with Steve Rowell and Annesofie Norn, web exhibition
2011 • Realization of Tudor´s Rainforest, Singuhr Hörgalerie with Nordic Sound Art, Berlin, DE
2011 • Floating Shanghai, with wetsounds at Spor Festival with Nordic Sound Art, Århus, DK2014 • Frihetens Forpost, performance for The Structure and Properties of Matter, Hordaland Kunstsenter, Bergen, NO
2013 • stigespill, performance with Jørgen Træen, NY MUSIKK, Kunsthall Oslo, NO
2013 • STRATIGRAFI, duo exhibition with Cecilia Jonsson, Lydgalleriet, Bergen, NO
2013 • Writings, Audio Art Festival (Resonance, European Sound Art Network), Cracow, PL
2013 • alltid, installation, Sound versus System, Kunsthall Oslo, NO
2013 • This must be the place (pick me up and turn me round), KinoKino, Sandnes, NO
2013 • Writings, (Resonance, European Sound Art Network), Maastricht, NL
2013 • Nor13, group exhibition, Akershus Kunstforening, Lillestrøm, NO
2013 • Writings, installation, artist in residency at Resonance, European Sound Art Network, Flanderfestival, Kortrijk, NL
2013 • Papay Gyros Festival, installation, lecture and live performance, Orkney Islands, GB2011 • Load (Abandoned), at Touch Radio:
2011 • Lidén&French”, performance with Jez Riley French, Stazione di Topolo, IT
2011 • Notturno Prosobranchia for Topolò, performance with Per Platou, Stazione di Topolo, IT
2011 • Rad II, Sunde, NO
2010 • Odonata feeds drones, La Société de Curiosités, Paris, FR
2010 • Angular Momentum, with Michal Kindernay, Entrée, Piksel10, Bergen, NO
2010 • Realisation of David Tudor´s Rainforest, Piksel, Bergen, NO
2010 • Pipeline, mitOst, Perm, RU
2010 • SoundLAB VII, soundCELEBRATION, web exhibition
2009 • blowup, with Bettina Diel, Olga Wiedenhoeft, Guro Hauge, Gartenhaus der Kunst, Munich, DE
2009 • The last theatre show ever-a societyofalgorithm and aavvorg-collaboration*, iCamp, Munich, DE
2009 • Art- Recipe, Kabul – Oslo, Galleri Podium, Oslo and CCAA, Kabul/Transplant, Dale/Meteorfestivalen, Bergen, NO
2009 • Tempo-passé with Annesofie Norn, at Risk:Reclaim:Entertain, Råhuset, Copenhagen, DK
2009 • Weltraum Jahresüberblick, Weltraum/Lothringer13, Munich, DE
2009 • Tent, with Annesofie Norn, iCamp, Munich, DE
2009 • Wolkenkuckucksheim, Blüten 23, Munich, DE
2008 • Sulten kommer mens man spiser, with Annesofie Norn and Per Platou, Århus and Zirkulation, Copenhagen, DK
2007 • Ein Blick von Aussen,with Tonje B.Andersson, Galleri 21:24, 21:25, Oslo, NO
2007 • Pain is temporary, Glory is forever, KHIO BA graduation show, Vulkan, Oslo, NO
2006 • 8:22 art collective“, E-werk, Weimar, DE

2019 • Sensing Scale, Thinking Tide, seminar during LIAF 2019, NO
2014 • LYDHØR, a curatoral project at Lydgalleriet, Bergen with Daniella Cascella, Julie Lillelien Porter and Rune Schøting, NO

2012-2013, Research Assistant, Replace, Bergen Academy of the Arts (KHIB)
2010-2012 MA, Nordic Sound Art,
2010-2012 MA, Visual Art, Bergen Academy of the Arts (KHIB)
2004-2007 BA, Visual Art, Oslo Academy of the Arts (KHIO)
2006 Bauhaus Universität Weimar, exchange semester